Siamese baby being worshipped as 'Goddess'

Ramesh, father of the twins, said: "On the fourth of this month, this child was born to my wife at 8'o clock. Everyone called her an incarnation of Devi (Goddess), as she has two heads, four hands and two legs. People come here from far off places, and offer money to my child out of respect."
Doctors suggest it could also be Siamese or conjoined twins, who are joined together physically at a particular part of the body. The newborn are conjoined at the torso.
Dr. Ashok Aggarwal, a surgeon with the Ruhelkhand, Medical College, said: "Such kinds of children are called as Siamese baby. They are no incarnation of God. It can be referred to as a mistake done by nature. When two eggs join at the time of fertilization, they grow together after that. They are no incarnation. They should be immediately operated to be separated so that life of both the babies can be saved.
He added that if they are continued to be treated as an incarnation, then life of both babies can come into danger. "Thus, to save their lives, operation is a must."
The news of the unusual child-birth spread very quickly. After initial hesitation and surprise, people started pouring in to have a glimpse of the child.
Elders in the infant's family are also delighted to have been blessed with 'the baby Goddess'.
Labels: Baby, Goddess, Siamese, twins, Uttar Pradesh, Utter Pradesh, Worship
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