Jackets that can be worn in 9,800 styles

As per him 'if you wear one jacket everyday, it would take 27 years to repeat the same color and design. It took me five years to design the jackets and another six months to take 9,800 photographs, one of each design and color''.
His earlier feat was stitching the smallest ever night-suit measuring about two and a half inches (one-inch upper, one-inch lower and half-a-inch jacket).
Pawan has entered the Limca Book of Records for inventing a trouser, which can be re-used ten times and each time, it would have a fresh look with new design and pockets.
Another creation of Pawan can be worn in 22 different styles - as a trouser, shirt, jacket and shorts.
While many find tough to thread a needle, Pawan can string 1584 threads in a single needle.
Moreover, he has invented a miniature sword and a miniature kite that can pass through a needle.
Fascinated with minute things, Pawan claims to have made the world's smallest photo album of half-an-inch that can contain 40 photographs.
Pawan holds the national record of balancing—one and a half-kilogram weight, a cold-drink bottle and an egg—all together one on top of another on a pen cap, for which he has his name registered in the Limca book of Records.
Labels: design, Jacket, Jackets, Jalandhar, Panjab, Punjab, style, styles
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this is glory of india.
we must proudkeeping of man who passing so many threads through and through one needle holes and invent all weird thing.
there is not need laughing on your part because he is doing what he able doing - not just sitting and crying for opportunity or criming other brothers.
be proudkeeping your chin up to see such industry inside of disadvantage people. jaihind.
- atra
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