Tuesday, June 12, 2007

School Trains Women to be Submissive, Ideal Wives!

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It may sound Bizarre but its true! In Bhopal City in Madhya Pradesh state of India here is one school that trains women to become ideal, obedient and submissive wives and daughters-in-law. "Manju Sanskar Kendra" school in Bhopal city was founded in 1987 & teaches young women the art of being good wives by serving their husbands and in-laws, and thereby preventing splits in the family.

'The primary aim of the Kendra is to prevent Indian families from breaking up under the pressures it faces nowadays,' says Bhau Ayaldas Hemnani, the founder and director of the rather unique school.

It offers a three-month course that stresses on the importance of 'Indian culture' and the woman adjusting to her new family after marriage. While students spend the first month learning Sikh and Hindu scriptures, the second month has lessons in naturopathy and the third is entirely dedicated to domestic life.

As per Hemnani, 'We teach women how to serve their husbands and win laurels and how to behave with in-laws. We also tell them to be tolerant while adjusting to their new home,'.

Women's rights activists and groups have termed the very idea of the school 'ridiculous', anti-women and regressive. They have in fact suggested that schools now be opened to train ideal husbands too.

'We don't have any objection if the centre starts teaching men to be an ideal husband, father or son. It would be a step towards building a balanced society. Why only train girls to be submissive?' asks Sandhya Shelly, state president of the All India Democratic Women's Association.

Chandna Arora of the All India Women's Council, says: 'Thousands of women are doused with kerosene and set on fire by their greedy husbands and their families. Most of these dowry-related deaths are passed off as kitchen accidents. How will they resist dowry or other domestic abuse?'

Contrary to one's expectations, the centre is very popular with over 4,500 having graduated from it so far.


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