Valentine's Day protests in India

"We request young couples not to visit parks and restaurants or organize parties on Valentine's Day. Those who do not listen to us will be beaten up,'' Ved Prakash Sachchan, the convener of the militant Hindu group Bajrang Dal, told The Associated Press in Lucknow, the capital of Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state.

"In the name of Valentine's Day, there is an attempt to westernize Indian culture and we will not allow this to happen,'' Ved Prakash added.

Hindu activists have also put up billboards across Lucknow asking young lovers not to hold hands in public.
Traditional Indian society does not approve of public displays of affection between the sexes, including hand-holding and kissing.

The organizations said they would "blacken the faces" of young couples found "displaying their love" in public places and and would burn Valentine's Day cards outside gift shops. Students Federation of India leader Sanjay Madhav said "unsocial elements" will not be allowed to "distort" Indian values.

So what are your views on such protests? Do you find such protests as weird or are these O.K. with Indian Values?

Link : Picture Credits : The Hindu , ,
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