Godman blessing newborns by sitting on them.

He performs some weird acts which include putting his hand in a pot of boiling oil and walking on fire. Another weird act that he performs is that he sits on newborn babies - with his 100 kg weight - to rid them of all ills.
He now faces trouble as Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav has directed the local police to inquire into his doings. Uttar Pradesh government is conducting an inquiry into the matter.
"This is a very serious matter. As soon as I return to Lucknow, we will order a probe to ensure that it does not get repeated," UP Chief Minister Mulayam Singh Yadav said.
His comments came after an Indian news channel showed visuals of the bulky god man, sitting on a six-month-old baby handed over to him by his parents even as hundreds of his disciples looked on.
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