
Nick Name: 'Snakeman'
Name: P. Rajesh
Age: 22-year-old
Qualification: A computer science student.
Hails from: Berhampur in Orissa State of India
Childhood hobby: Special attraction for reptiles
Passion: To save snakes from the wrath of urbanites
His start up: 'Snake Helpline Club'
His achievement: Caught more than 3,000 cobras
His dangerous passion: Kissing the hoods of wild cobras
Above are the credentials of a person called 'Snakeman' who hails from Berhampur, which is located in the eastern coastline of India in the state of Orissa. Aim of 'Snakeman' in life is to educate people about the fallacy of panicking myths surrounding snakes. He gives awareness through his 'Snake Helpline Club' to people that most snakes are not venomous and they only bite out of fear. He and his team reach any household in his city at a single phone call to catch the snake live, which they set free inside jungle areas far away from the city.
In the above picture, a child holds a snake as P. Rajesh, the 'Snakeman' (standing behind the child) gives a demonstration to students in Berhampur in Orissa State of India. Read more...............Catching that twist in the tail
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