Village makes HIV test 'must' before marriage

Earlier few Indian state governments had thought off to make the pre-marital HIV test mandatory, but a remote village in Bagalkot district in Karnataka state of India has already made it compulsory for every boy and girl to undergo an HIV test before marriage.
Here is the PM Budni village in Karnataka, where 4,000-odd residents have implemented it to tackle the deadly virus. The remote village, 80 km from Bagalkot, has lost 15 people, including four children, to AIDS during the last five years. As per one panchayat member ( Local council member), Srikanth Kolur, 'Our girls were married off to men from Mumbai, Kolhapur, Goa, who had contracted the virus. The girls would come back as widows afflicted with HIV. Similarly, girls from other villages were spreading the virus to our boys. So we decided to make the test mandatory. The panchayat has already passed a resolution." Read more............Village shows way to tackle AIDS
Read also.................HIV test before marriage 'must'
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