Embryo found in 3-month-old's stomach

In a bizzare medical case, doctors at SCB Medical College in Cuttack city in Orissa state of India removed an embryo from the stomach of a three-month-old baby boy. A team of 10 surgeons, anaesthetists and paramedics removed the one-kilo embryo after a four-hour operation. The embryo had developed bones, limbs, and even fingers and hair, hospital sources said.
"This is the first time in the state that such a developed embryo has been found inside an infant. Such deformities are found in one child among 10 lakh," the hospital's urology head Duteswar Hota said. "The infant was born with the embryo and can also be referred as a non-cancerous tumour," Hota added. Read more.............................Docs remove embryo from 3-month-old's stomach
Labels: child, embryo, Orissa, stomach
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