150-metre-high Hill vanishes in India

There was no earthquake, not even a mild tremor that the villagers could feel. But the hill vanished all the same, as if sucked into a mighty pit in the earth's womb, slowly taking down with it the trees and bushes that stood upon it.
The mystery unfolded on July 21. The day began with an intermittent drizzle, with the heavy cloud-cover often yielding glimpses of the pale blue sky. For the Tainani villagers, this hide and seek of rain and sunlight was nothing unusual. They carried on with their daily routine till the unthinkable happened at around 11 am.
But on Saturday, the calm was broken by a deep-throated gurgling sound that came from below. "At first, we did not give it much importance and carried on with jhum cultivation in the adjacent hills. The noise became louder with every passing moment and after about 30 minutes, with a big boom, the hill started steadily going down," says Kalijay Reang, who saw the hill going down.
Labels: disappear, hill, India, Tripura, vanishes
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