Holy Cow - 'Beef Eating, A Great Sin Among Hindus'

But Just think of selling Beef among Hindus in India & you are about to start communal riots in India. Reason being, for Hindus in India, Cow is a Holy animal & it is revered as your own mother only. What to talk of eating beef, even hurting the animal is against the Hindu religion. In Hindu religion it is generally believed that all the Hindu Gods reside in the Holy Cow & it is compared to your own mother & is given the same respect as is given to your own mother.
In Hindu mythological books, all the Gods are somehow found relating to the Cow, whether it is Brahma, Vishnu or Mahesh, the trinity considered as the prime Gods among Hindu religion. Lord Krishna the incarnation of Vishnu & is always shown with cows & in fact he was born among the cowherd family only is always shown among the cows. So any disrespect to cows among Hindus is a disrespect to Lord Vishnu / Lord Krishna. Killing a Cow is considered as a great Sin & eating the Cow is also considered as a great Sin. As per Hindu scriptures there are stories that after killing a cow a Rishi / Saint had to go to the hell & after doing lot of penance only, the said Rishi / Saint was able to get rid of the Sin incurred by killing the cow.
So for this reason every Hindu considers Cow as a Holy animal & cannot even think of killing the cow or eating beef. Otherwise also , at the first look only, Cow is seen as the most sober & harmless animal & we should not kill her.
Now you can understand why McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Wimpy's etc. cannot even think of selling Beef in India.
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Labels: Animal, Beef, Cow, Hindu, India, Indian, religion, Sin
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Hi ,
I would like to know of your comments for serving of PORK in the MECCA or MEDINA and then sit high on your judgemental chair and criticize us Hindus .
Cow was the focal point of the economy of the ancient India and therefore such revenrence was practised. Please be sensitive to other cultures and beliefs .
Ravi PIllay
Every religion have thier own set norms. What considered holy in obe religion may be a common practice in other religion. Dont be judgemental, religion is based on faith and that all matter.
before criticizing just think why people laugh when they hear cow is respected. in India some humans are considered lower than animals just because they belong to some lower hierarchy of caste but the same person will worship a a cow even if it is an animal. so just abolish caste system, consider all humans equal then we may take on others when they say about holy cow
Each society has certain shortcomings.We are no exception.The caste system though strong but discrimation on basis of caste has declined alot.
you have found only negatives aspects of india. Do you even know many noble ideas of humanity found their origin in ancient hindu scriptures. "vasudhaiva kutumbkam (entire world is like a family )" ahimsa "non violence".
You call india weird. yes we are because we see lord in our guest. never attacked any other culture and country .When rest of world was unknown sages were solving complex riddles of universe which still haunt us
Very Good Topic to discuss about !
Yes Indians dont eat beef because it is a Taboo food for them.
You said that you cant imagine many popular restaurants without serving beef !
Whom so ever you may be !
Then how can you imagine the same restaurants in any islamic/arab countries with out serving PORK ?
Even pork is a popular item in those restaurants !
Before posting sensitive things you need to analyse the issues in better way!
Can any western countries imagine eating Cats/ Dogs/Horses ? But this is pretty common in some of the Asian countries,
So please my dear dont be crazy
Its not India which goes weird by considering beef as taboo food
Its you who is weird by posting such things
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